QCW Desktop hniav nyiaj hniav kub laser vuam tshuab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

QCW laser welders yog zoo tagnrho rau qhov chaw thiab seam vuam thiab ntev mem tes drilling daim ntaub ntawv.Compact design.Cov nqi siv tau zoo dua li cov qauv YAG exciters vim cov yam ntxwv xws li electro-optical conversion efficiency> 30% thiab txij nkawm-dawb ua haujlwm feem ntau rau vuam ntawm nyias-walled cov ntaub ntawv, precision qhov chaw, qhov chaw vuam, taub qab vuam, pawg vuam thiab foob welding.Zoo heev mem tes fais fab/zog stability.Low cost solutions with two high peak power.Electro-optical conversion efficiency siab tshaj 30%.Ob hom kev khiav hauj lwm: mem tes thiab nruam.Built-in mem tes emitter.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

QCW laser welders yog zoo tagnrho rau qhov chaw thiab seam vuam thiab ntev mem tes drilling daim ntaub ntawv.Compact design.Cov nqi siv tau zoo dua li cov qauv YAG exciters vim cov yam ntxwv xws li electro-optical conversion efficiency> 30% thiab txij nkawm-dawb ua haujlwm feem ntau rau vuam ntawm nyias-walled cov ntaub ntawv, precision qhov chaw, qhov chaw vuam, taub qab vuam, pawg vuam thiab foob welding.Zoo heev mem tes fais fab/zog stability.Low cost solutions with two high peak power.Electro-optical conversion efficiency siab tshaj 30%.Ob hom kev khiav hauj lwm: mem tes thiab nruam.Built-in mem tes emitter.



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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb